Monday, January 11, 2016

Near term, feeling anxious, and getting excited!

On Monday, we will be 37 weeks! We have moved from bi-weekly appointments to weekly and this makes me really happy because I always look forward to checking on the baby and hearing his heartbeat, so I love being able to do so more often. I also really enjoy visiting with our midwives. Today's visit went great and we got to hear his strong heart beat as well as see him dance for everyone :) Recently we had a third ultrasound to check up on Baby Klein, because I started measuring small, and he is doing absolutely wonderful, growing well and moving a lot! I've grown a good amount since then as well! I didn't get great pictures, but I did get to see him sucking his thumb which just made me smile. I am feeling pretty good, just big and a little more uncomfortable, but not bad. Sleep has become a bit more restless because my hips and knees don't like me staying on one side for long, so I spend part of my night rolling from side to side and then falling back to sleep. John has been so sweet, he ask me every time if I'm OK and comforts me as I fall back asleep. TJ is still loving on my body pillow and belly, I think he and Baby Klein will be good friends!

Without school work to do, I have spent a lot of free time reading books or blogs, watching videos, exercising, getting baby stuff ready around the house, and resting. John has done a great job cleaning up and organizing things around the house. He has been working a lot, but when he's home he really helps. We all enjoy being home together! Over Christmas break we had a wonderful baby shower and received many great gifts for our family. Baby Klein is going to enjoy many cozy blankets and story time, dressed super cute, have lots of fun learning toys, enjoy comfy walks with mom and dad, and be super close to us :) I still need to clean his clothes, but he has gotten a lot of cute outfits, as well as swaddles, and toys. I've started making freezer meals so that when the time comes, and we are both too tired to do anything, we can still have healthier dinners instead of Papa Murphyes or frozen foods every night. It's amazing how many tasty healthy meals you can find on pinterest! This last year I learned the reason so many people want big kitchens and enjoy cooking.

The pups and I are still walking, but haven't been going every day because it's been icier and, although the days are now getting longer, they're still short so it's often dark by the time I get home. So we get out for a walk three to four times a week lately. It's funny how good swimming feels and how awkward, or less good, walking can feel. It's a good thing I have the pups to motivate me to get outside! I'm still really enjoying my pool time, in-fact I celebrated term by heading to the pool to do my mile and was happy to do it in the same amount of time that I have been throughout my pregnancy. Water aerobics has gotten a little more tricky and challenging recently, but only for short periods of time and not bad enough to stop :)

The pups seem to be doing OK with some transition. They prefer to get out every day, but do OK as long as they get to run around for a little bit, go for rides, and/or visit dad at work for a while. They seem to know that something is up and that things are changing a bit. John has been helping me get them out on slower days. They recently went to the glacier and REALLY enjoyed sliding around and just today they all soaked up the rain and played at Sandy Beach. Hopefully our transition goes well in the next few weeks. I think it will be hard for them at first, but then they will become quite protective and close with Baby Klein before long. I'm glad they have each other! I've also continued to really enjoy yoga and keep up with it near daily. I'm always stretching, but yoga has been great to keep my body and mind more comfortable. I've recently finished my "Yoga Mama Yoga Baby" book and have enjoyed what it has taught me. I refer back to it often. I've read and experienced a lot of benefits of prenatal yoga and I've heard a lot of benefits towards birth. I really do think it's going to help me and make a difference when the time comes to bring Baby Klein into this world.
TJ won this stare down lol
 John took these amazing pictures with our new camera from our parents!

As time gets closer I am taking it much easier at work and at home. I'm feeling more anxious, but in more of a positive way because I look forward to birth and to meeting our little man. John and I recently had a conversation about past conversations we've had regarding parenthood and how it would be sad to get rid of toys, change our lifestyle, and not be able to do the same things as often. Now that the time is here, we haven't experienced these feelings or worried about changes. We realized very quickly how much of a blessing Baby Klein is and know that the changes we've made (and continue to make) are not a big deal. We were saying how exciting it will be to teach him the love of our passions and let him discover his own as well. It's amazing how much we've all grown in eight months and it'll be amazing to look back eight months from now.

So as we are 37 weeks today and thinking about a count down, I remind myself to stay in the present and focus on the peaceful times. I stay busy, but remind myself to enjoy the quiet times and take it easy. I'd say I'm officially "nesting", but perhaps differently than some. I haven't exactly had the urge to go through a crazy clean sweep, just keep things clean, prepare Baby's area, read more baby stuff and have a few meals ready. People might say I'm a bit obsessive about reading stuff, but I find it all interesting and amazing. It probably won't end once the pregnancy is over, instead just get intensified and change a little :) With that said, I'm going to head to my library now and settle in with my boys for the night. We hope you all the best! Love the Klein's.

1 comment:

Family Reflections said...

I am so excited for the two of you and have enjoyed hearing the journey so far and can't wait to hear what life brings you once Baby Klein arrives! See you soon <3