Saturday, August 23, 2014

We're a full fledged Jeep Family!!

Well John finally gave in and traded his WRX in for a better and more practical toy! OK practical may be pushing it, but it is definitely more our lifestyle and perfect for the puppies :) We didn't get the color on purpose, but funny how it's a mix between Bengal Orange and Vandal Gold! John was tossing the idea around for a while, but Em is biased and let him make the decision on his own. She didn't want to persuade him ;) Jeep Rubicon? Like it's even an option!!!

We're now a Vandal Family!

John has come over to the dark side and is now a Vandal. He will be doing the Engineering outreach program getting his masters in power engineering. He's excited because he doesn't have to deal with the Pullman campus anymore and his courses are online, which will work much better with his work. School starts Monday. We still consider ourselves loyal Bengals though :)