Today is rained ALL DAY all over Eastern Idaho. Mom and I headed to Idaho Falls for the day and we stopped in Blackfoot to see the Potato Museum. I really didn't want to go, I thought it would be pretty boring, but it actually wasn't bad. It was interesting to learn that Idaho is known more for Potato's more than any other region is known for anything in the United States. We also got some free ones so that was fun. After that we met John at his work and hit up the Meleluca store to spend our cash check and then headed to lunch. Mama loves Great Harvest and she does not have one in Nevada so we went there to get sandwiches and soup. We were going to go see the plant at John's work, but after lunch John needed to get back to work so mama and I dropped him off and headed to Porters, another one of mama's favorite places here. We spent a while in there, like always, and found some really fun and cute things. I pondered throughout the whole trip wishing I had the patience to quilt and sow all those cute things in there. I've just never enjoyed sowing. But then we got into the wood craft section and that stuff I love! I loved looking at all the crafts and tile projects and got excited about our future when we have a house and I have the room to put it all and a job that allows me to buy those things. Mama was nice enough to get me a project to do that has birthdays on it. Super cute and when I actually get working on it I will put pics up. After spending about an hour(or more) in Porters I went outside to let Mili out of the car and wonder around a little. I decided to bring her with us, because being locked up in the car with us is better than being locked in a kennel alone all day for her. We hit up Barnes and Noble on our way to Seagull bookstore to get some warm drinks, to soften our hearts against this crap weather we've had all weekend. Seagull was fun! We found some cute tops on sale and looked at some books. By then it was after 5 and John was already headed home from work so we headed there ourselves. We have been home for while now and we are going to take Mama to Farr's, the local icecream shop for some delicious, inexpensive fresh sugar to sum up the night!